When a manager logs on to Quadrant Self Service, they have access to a Managers menu which allows them to manage applicants, candidates, and job postings. The Managers menu is visible only to those users who have been assigned the role of Manager in Quadrant Self Service.
The Manage Applicants sub-menu allows managers to add and delete applicants, change their status, send a form letter, or earmark an application for later consideration. You have the option of searching by applicant, or by job posting. The Manage Candidates submenu is used to create a list of potential candidates for a position, whether they have previously applied for a position, or have only gone as far as creating a profile. The Manage Job Postings sub-menu allows you to create and post new job postings, and edit or delete existing postings.
The Welcome page contains a User Group list box. This box lets managers view only those employees/applicants that their User Groups provide access to through Security Methods in Quadrant. Selecting a User Group filters the applicants or postings to include only those that are relevant to the selected User Group.